Contact Us

Shanghai, China

100, Golden Bund International Plaza, 1003 Zhongshan South Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

mailbox: [email protected]

Postcode: 200010

WeChat public number: 瑞盟设计

contact number:

+86 (21)6215 7392 XNUMX

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 9: 30-18: 30

Switzerland, Montreux

Rue du Mûrier 11,
1820 Montreux, Switzerland

mailbox: [email protected]

Postcode: 1003

contact number:

+41 21 647 95 84

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 9: 30-18: 30

Zurich Switzerland

Alte Landstrasse 119a
8800 Thalwil

mailbox: [email protected]

Postcode: 8800

contact number:

+41 43 343 99 00

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 9: 30-18: 30